I already feel bad for my future husband…Suffering as I tell him the same story about the French restaurant in the trailer park anytime we are near a French restaurant or a trailer park.
I tell you why you should always eat at trailer parks…
I already feel bad for my future husband…Suffering as I tell him the same story about the French restaurant in the trailer park anytime we are near a French restaurant or a trailer park.
I tell you why you should always eat at trailer parks…
We have been trained to think that most other countries don’t like America, but in the French Alps I met a handful of people who like America for very specific and humorous reasons…
Sometimes when you’re traveling, you just think, “Really? did that just happen?” Here are some random, WTF moments in the French Alps…
The French Alps are known for the amazing skiing and beautiful scenery, but what they are really known for are the après ski, and today, specifically, it was the après ski with girls in hot pants.
On Saturday morning we returned to the Geneva airport to meet our tour bus, called, BensBus, which from the get-go reminded me of a Girls Gone Wild-type spring break bus with the yellow bubble letters and “low price” guarantees on their website. This is how they do it in France.