GToil, The Giant Tin Foil Ball, Gets Lonely Around Christmas, “It’s a selected few…A lot of potential is lost when customers get their bagels to-go.”
On New Year’s Eve you get to celebrate another, “How the Hell did it go by so fast?” year of refreshing life, but let’s not forget that some people were born on this day. Here are the pros and cons for being a New Year’s Baby…And a tax break for my parents in the 80s is not on this list.
I’m checking out the toys on JCPenny (yes, this is seriously for work), when I notice that two of the kids with toys in the search results offered me the opportunity to create a little friendly and funny scene. Here’s how you can create simple content perfect for sharing on blogs, twitter, or Facebook.
The story of how I got a free computer from Apple after a mistake that THEY made.
I get asked on a second date 90% of the time. Now,the other 10% doesn’t mean I didn’t want a second date, but it didn’t always happen. Follow my rules, assuming you are not a crazy fool on the date, and you can pretty much count on a second date.
Venuszine Magazine did a highlight on me back when I worked as the Director of Content & Engagement for – Here’s the write-up.
It wasn’t until Channukah that I encountered a Jewish dating identity crisis.
I risked what I knew to try something new. And it worked.
I wasn’t attracted to him the first time I met him. Yet, I knew his parents, so we went out again.
I feared living check to check. Now, six years later, I realize that no matter what, we are always dependent on others for that check. That check is never guaranteed.