Funny Craigslist Postings – How to NOT Find a Roommate on Craigslist

By January 18, 2011Humor

Craigslist-Roommate-Ad-FailCraigslist is a perfect place to learn the basic do’s and don’t of successful online content creation. It’s also the place to find some of the creepiest people in your city or neighborhood… But that’s a different post, on a different site, which I know nothing about so stop thinking about me like that!

The most important aspect to your Craigslist ad is the headline, or what is known in the industry as, The Bait. You might write your headline with good intentions, but Craigslist readers will judge your listing before they even open it. In fact, they will judge your post right when they read your headline, and usually that judgment is incredibly entertaining.

Funny Craigslist Postings

Let’s dissect some total FAIL “Roommate Wanted” Craigslist headlines, so we can hear how the headline might be interpreted by a potential renter…

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: I’m a clean freak who scared away my last roommate when I collected her hair from the shower drain, and then put it in a Ziplock, and then taped it to the fridge.

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: My last roommate purposely left the composting bin slightly ajar so the “worms could see the sun.” Mr. Gatsby (my cat), got curious with the worms and got sick after he ate some. After that, it was Mr. Gatsby that decided that the roommate just had to go…Immediately.

Photos Below were actually in the Craigslist ad above…Too good not to include:

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist - Alexandra Friedman


Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist - Alexandra Friedman

What WE Read: My last roommate told me that dancing for people through a webcam was not considered modeling. She was just jealous.

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: My last roommate thought I had ADD and was always going through my stuff looking to steal Ritalin and sometimes he said that I stared for too long at silly things like him or the mailbox. I want a pet octopus.

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: We hang out in our bathing suits all day long…Which will either make you extremely self-conscious or question the intentions of women for years to come…Or both, since we’re a package deal. He he he.

Desperate for a Roommate - Alexandra Friedman

What WE Read: The world is going to end in 2012. According to my plan, I will survive…And then I will need a roommate to procreate with.

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: We are a cult of very sexy men. If you lose your good looks and charm, you are no longer considered a professional, and you will be discarded immediately.

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: The last dude that lived here forgot to recycle the care package box he got from his Nana, so I showed him how it felt to be thrown away and unloved by society.

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: My parents are paying for my housing. I just discovered Chatroulette, and I talk really loud on the phone. I also put ketchup on everything. Fun fun!

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist

What WE Read: Is a $30 Copay good enough?

Bad Roommate Ad Craigslist - Alexandra Friedman

What WE Read: My last roommate seemed actually happy and in love, and like, enjoying life. I will have none of that ever again… I’ll watch you from the bathroom window if you sit on the deck.

Desperate for a Roommate

What WE Read: My last roommate thought it was odd that my three kitties would crawl into the shower with me every morning.

Desperate for a Roommate

What WE Read: No literally, I will HUNT. YOU. DOWN.

Desperate for a Roommate - Alexandra Friedman

What WE Read: Trailer dude looking for a trailer dameNO HOT WATEr

bad Craigslist Roommate Ad - Alexandra Friedman

Ok readers, leave a comment with your funny or unusual Craigslist experience (Casual Encounters does NOT count, because that’s totally a legit business).


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