GToil: Making You Feel Guilty Around Christmas

By December 18, 2010Humor, Personal

GToil, The Giant Tin Foil Ball, Gets Lonely Around Christmas

“It’s a selected few…A lot of potential is lost when customers get their bagels to-go.”

GToil Giant Tinfoil Ball

GToil, the Giant tin foil ball, was born in November 2008 from a crumpled up piece of tin foil from my breakfast sandwich. GToil used to be the mascot of this blog, and has a well known presence on all major social networks. You can find GToil popping up in the oddest real-life situations, and with his strong personality, you can find him flirting it up with real and not-so-real women. He loves attention, flirts his way into great opportunities, and does not get embarrassed very easily.

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